Literally, Right Before Aaron

2017 "Her wedding. His funeral."
4.6| 1h37m| NA| en| More Info
Released: 22 April 2017 Released
Producted By: Screen Media Films
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Still reeling from his breakup with college sweetheart Allison, Adam's world is thrown into further chaos when he’s surprisingly invited to attend her upcoming wedding. Returning home for the festivities, Adam must confront unresolved feelings while trying to convince himself and everyone else that he is truly happy for her.


Drama, Comedy

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Ryan Eggold

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Screen Media Films


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Literally, Right Before Aaron Audience Reviews

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
telmalopes-777-847926 There is something very human about this movie, and to prove it, we all felt sorry for Adam. And it was not because of the clichê of "seeing the perfect woman marrying the other guy"; but because Adam seems so lost in his life. His job, his love life, his friends, and even his family feel completely relatable, always telling what he should do or should have done, and we feel for him... Yes, this is a cringeworthy movie - but in the best way possible. His situation is cringeworthy, so why would the movie feel any different?We pitty him, we feel we all know some guy/girl who got too caught up on a former relationship, and it seems like Adam story is not new... because it is not. But this one was told in a loving way, showing glimpses of what Adam remembers (and idealizes) from the relationship, as they both try to be 'adults' in a very realistic way. The movie defines very well Adam in the beginning, showing why he acted as he did, and how lost he really is. This is not about her, 'the love of his life', this is about a man trying to navigate between labels in life, what you should do, or feel; and what everyone expects of you. So, I guess this is not the romantic comedy you were waiting. It's is not about the girl, the love or the confettis... It is about social norms and conventions, hopes and idealizations, and how a young man navigate between those.I really enjoyed it... ...But had to take out one point for Cobie's awful (fake?) bangs! (jk)
zitaz I had some level of expectation from this movie based on the premise and the actors, but literally nothing happens in this film. I get that they were aiming for an indie-film feel, but still. We learn nothing about why these people broke up, other than the short glimpses into their past relationship, we don't know anything about them that would make them likable or root for one or both of them. For an indie film, there are too many cringe-worthy cliches, in every single scene. Poor Ryan Hansen is reduced to a sort of douchey annoying 'that's-who-she's-marrying' character.
lokis_mistress I think I have written maybe two reviews in my life, and that's because movies were SO AMAZING that it needed to be said. In this case, it's just... so... not... worth... watching. There is no other way to say that whoever's fault this ridiculous waste is should be dragged across hot coals. I adore Justin, and I'm learning to like Cobie... DEFINITELY as a comedy duo they should have clicked and this had all the potential to be a great movie that was needed. Love the backdrop of San Fran and that lifestyle... really, I'm thinking chalk this up to supremely bad writing, directing and editing. Absolutely zero redeeming qualities here. I am surprised that halfway through filming Justin didn't stand up and walk off set in protest.
jitzraj I could't stop myself from writing this. I have watched this movie with great expectations with the likes of Cobie Smulders and Justin Long and I hate to say that I'm truly disappointed. What a waste of talent.The entire plot is just a big hot balloon which filled with nothing. And it explodes in the end and nothing comes out, disappointed.