The Return of James Battle

5.3| 1h32m| NA| en| More Info
Released: 21 July 2004 Released
Producted By: MMC Independent
Country: France
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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James Bataille is in love. He attempts to stage an elaborate motorcycle stunt to impress the girl, but when it goes sour, he ends up in prison with a 133-year sentence. Bataille escapes from behind bars to make an appointment to fix the car of music biz tycoon, as well as watch the love of his life take part in the town's annual talent show.

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Didier Poiraud, Thierry Poiraud

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MMC Independent


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The Return of James Battle Audience Reviews

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
ElijahCSkuggs Story revolves around an escaped, die-hard romantic stuntman, a small-town singer, a sleazy businessman, a slow-witted villager who hurts his dog so he can hear it sing, and oh yeah, an alien invasion. Honestly this sounds like a pretty sweet flick. But for some reason, it just doesn't succeed in any particular area.Atomik Circus features some good acting, especially by the dude who was the lead in Man Bites Dog, Benoit Poelvoorde. He was actually pretty memorable as the sleazy businessman who ends up suffering from an alien bite. Also, I had no clue Jason Flemyng could speak French. He didn't have really long lines, so maybe he just jumped on board because it seemed like an easy and fun role....that was probably it.The movie had a weird vibe that reminded me of the movie Undead. Probably because it had a similar style, especially with the blood and gore. Atomik Circus had a real cooky vibe that felt like it was trying too hard to amuse the viewer. At times I was amused, by the over-the-top violence, but never really by anything jokey. The dude with the missing face, that completely fell flat.Atomik Circus is a weird flick, and I can see many people enjoying it, and many people hating it. I'm in the middle ground because there were some good things about it, but overall it just kinda felt like a jumbled mess. Definitely a unique genre hybrid though, that's for sure. 5.5 outta 10
BayHarbourButcher I am surprised that people have rated this film at a measly 5 out of 10 on average ( my own rating is a solid 7 out of 10 & I only very rarely rate a movie higher than 7) - IMO its a "gem in the rough" i.e. it has its flaws (such as the weird ending that felt like it was only one half of the movie) but to counter that it has many redeeming features such as originality of script, decent acting and camera-work, some hilarious moments (e.g. the fake singing dog), some great b-movie gore and special effects etc ... - the flying alien "shrub" monsters with tentacles capable of decapitating (or sucking the face off) any unfortunate sole to encounter them were some of the coolest and most original B-movie monsters I've seen for quite a while - comes highly recommended in my book
dbdumonteil This work could be the strongest contender for this title. It's incredible that the Poiraud brothers were able to find a bucketful of producers to finance their hare-brained project. Maybe because they feared to see where all the millions of Euros had gone, they didn't want to see the finished product before it opened in France in the summer 2004 and one could add in particular conditions. There were neither screenings for the specialized press in cinema nor trailers on the telly or at the movies. Personally, I remember very well when I went to see "Spider-Man 2" (2004) at the theaters. In the corridor leading to the room, I noticed a cover of the film but I didn't pay much attention at all about it. I didn't have the single inkling of the contents of the Poiraud's product. Anyway, their work was bound to disappear from the French theaters after a few weeks of screening. Commercial suicide in all its splendor which can be easily explained. How can you expect to make audiences flock to an amorphous story? At a pinch, the most curious ones might have been interested to have a look at it...I must admit that it's not that much bad. Okay, anyone who will label this movie as a masterwork will be a liar and at first sight one would like to hammer "Atomik Circus: Le Retour De James Bataille" and to relegate it to purgatory but there are some valuable plus sides one can save from this wreckage. About the title: is it a misnomer? Given the various ingredients the Poiraud brothers put in their dish, one could agree that it's a real circus they have concocted. And what about James Bataille? Actually, one doesn't see him for nearly the half of the movie. He has just a few lines to say and the moments during which he has the meatiest part of his role finds itself at the end of the movie, especially during a fight. It is funny when one knows that Bataille means "fight" in French.The outset of the film takes us to Skotlett, a lost dump where one wouldn't want to spend one's holidays populated with inhabitants with a redneck mentality. The tail end showcases a desert landscape which seems directly taken from "Planet of the Apes" (1968) or even a part of "Capricorn One" (1978), Peter Hyams' best effort. Between the two, two different subplots. On the one hand, Conchia (Vanessa Paradis) who is eager to take a chance in music. She's spotted by an unscrupulous manager Alan Chiasse (Benoît Poelvoorde) who's more interested in her look than her potential as an artist. On the other hand, James Bataille (Jason Fleyming) who strives to come back to Skotlett to find again her fiancée Conchia. Two conventional subplots which culminate with an invasion of aliens and it's virtually a rehash of the sci-fi of the fifties crossed with horror (there's blood galore and ripped bodies). If one plays the Poiraud brothers' game, if one accepts this unlikely mix of distinct cinematographic genres in a preposterous story, if one accepts this hustle of the narrative conventions, not taken seriously "Atomik Circus" is rather fun to watch. While reading the two subplots, one could detect something conventional in them but the directors try to thwart it through the unexpected like the alien invasion for instance. Also conventional is the final fight between Bataille and Chiasse transformed in an alien. You probably guessed the winner but the story isn't over and the predictable side of what follows is defused by an unexpected twist in the tail end.These qualities mustn't make the lover forget that there are negative points in the Poiraud brothers'UFO. First, problems of rhythm: sluggish at the outset but wild with the carnage caused by the aliens. Then, two-bit tricks to bridge some steps of the story are difficult to swallow and the Poiraud brothers aren't virtuosos of the camera at all. There is a lot of hand-held camera, an amateur side and sometimes they botch the job. Same remark for a scenario which is sometimes ill-conceived. (The first draft encompassed many other things which weren't tapped during the shooting).But if you're tired of walking safely in the landscape of French cinema, watch this mix of "Romeo and Juliet" and "Mars Attacks" (1996) as the press kit deemed it. It could have gained with a little more of attention and control. One last thing: the actors had fun by overplaying their characters who are real puppets. The cast includes Jean-Pierre Marielle who agreed to replace the sadly regretted Jean Yanne and I wonder what he would have done with his part. All of them said they really enjoyed the shooting and the vibe of the film and the set. You might also enjoy this film if you follow some of the possible instructions I mentioned earlier.
tristan-57 Not the usual movie, it belongs to this kind of movie that you love or hate. I belong to the first category.Definitivly worth a try. Someones rightfully mentioned bad taste - been a long time i have not heard about that movie - and while the two movies are rather different, they both belongs to the comedy/horror genre.I found myself laughing a lot watching the movie, and being surprised every here and there by references i would have not expected to found (i'm not going to spoil but there are many). Benoit is just excellent as an abusing impresario and despite i found Vanessa acting not as good, she shines as a singer and the overall ambiance and story had hooked enough to come here to comment about it.While i think this movie deserve a notation around 7-8 i gave him a 10 to balance the love/hate effect that lead many to gave it a 1.