The Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre

1995 "If looks could kill, he wouldn't need a chainsaw."
3.3| 1h27m| R| en| More Info
Released: 22 September 1995 Released
Producted By: Genre Pictures
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Everyone's favorite chainsaw-wielding psychopath, Leatherface, is back for more prom-night gore, and this time he's joined by his bloodthirsty family. Four stranded yet carefree teens are taken in by a backwoods family, clueless of their host family's grisly habits. The terrified youths, including sweet Jenny, try to escape from Leatherface and his crazed clan, including the bionic Vilmer.

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Kim Henkel

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Genre Pictures


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The Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre Audience Reviews

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
jacobjohntaylor1 This the forth Texas chainsaw massacre movie. It not has scarier as the original The Texas chainsaw massacre from 1974. Also The Texas chainsaw massacre 2 is scarier. Also Leather face Texas chainsaw massacre III is scarier. But there no reason to say this is a awful movie. There is reason why people do not like this. It is the forth one. I think that would be the reason. This a very scary movie. I keep hearing that the fifth part to the original series Chainsaw massacre 3.D is better. This a great movie. And Chainsaw massacre 3.D is just awful. I The Texas chainsaw massacre remake from 2003 is not better then is movie. It is just boring crape. I can't believe people think Texas chainsaw massacre the beginning is better. That movie is producible and boring. In this movie you don't know what is going to happen still you see it. The fist three The Texas chainsaw massacre movies are better but only by a little bite. This movie has a great story line. It also has great acting. It also has great special effects. I consider this horror fantasy because the killer in this movie are ghouls. This movie is a must see.
Andrew Gold Well said, Rothman. Whatever this movie is supposed to be, it fails on every level. It's not scary, it's not disturbing, it's not entertaining, it's only funny periodically when you can't believe how stupid it is, and it essentially killed the Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise until it was rebooted a decade later. The only reason anyone would have any inclination to watch this is because of its leads - Renee Zellweger and Matthew McConaughey - who were young and naive back then, but they did they best they could with the material they had. Renee played a fine damsel in distress and McConaughey was perfect as an insane cannibalistic psychopath. You can tell he was having fun with the part, and the fun he has is contagious sometimes especially knowing how huge he has become since. The movie itself is downright horrendous. It starts off as a typical slasher: a few teens leaving prom get stranded in the woods, then they encounter strange characters, and from then it devolves into a nonsensical screaming battle between everyone. Literally there are scenes in this movie where the only lines are "AHHHH!" Leatherface has gone full transvestite for this installment. They also end the movie with some sort of conspiracy that these cannibals have been around for thousands of years and there are men in suits that check up on them or something. It makes absolutely no sense and trying to piece it together will ensure a loss of brain cells.This is the worst of the pre-millennial TCMs by a long shot. Only watch if you're a die-hard TCM completist or you want to watch McConaughey yell like crazy for a while. Either way, you're bound to be disappointed.
stephanieroadcap75 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation is just horrible. The plot revolves around the most annoying teenagers ever(with the exception of one girl) getting into a car wreck in the woods after leaving their high school prom early and running into Leatherface and his family.This movie has virtually no redeeming qualities, the dialogue is horrible AT BEST, the acting is atrocious, and worst of all, the villains in this movie are not at all intimidating.Leatherface in this movie is played by Robert Jacks, who screams and whines throughout his time on screen and wears dresses. There's some gruesome scenes of torture, but that doesn't make the film scary. there's also some stupid subplot about a secret society that forces the chainsaw family to commit their crimes, which just adds to the stupidity of the film. The only redeeming quality of this film is Renee Zellweger's character, but even she isn't given much to do. My advice is whether you are a fan of this series or not, avoid part 4 at all costs!
callanvass A group of stupid teenagers coming from a prom get into a car crash in the woods of Texas, prompting some Texas hillbillies & the infamous Leatherface to torture them. Why, why, why, why, why? Was the constant question that kept popping up in my brain while watching this turkey. I saw the cut version and I highly doubt I missed anything noteworthy. Added gore wouldn't change my opinion on this dreck. There is no suspense what so ever (Aside from an admittedly decent rooftop sequence), it is rather dull, and it really doesn't take itself all that seriously. Where to begin on all the flaws. I'll start with Leatherface. Gone, is the terror that Leatherface provides, replaced by a shrill scream that can give even the calmest people of headaches. It got to the point where I almost muted my T.V. He also wears lipsticks, dressing up like a transvestite. For someone who wanted to make a true sequel to the original, Kim Henkel pis**** all over it instead. I didn't give a damn about any of the characters in this one, I wanted them all to perish. Also, how is it that the villains are so attractive? I had a hard time believing that someone with Matthew McConaughery's looks could be that sadistic, as well as Renee Zellweger being "ugly" , as she is inexplicably called in this film. Zellweiger does what she can with the awful material, but her character is stupidly written to the point where I wanted to smack her one. This was released in 1997 to try to take advantage of Zellweger & McConaughery's surging popularity. Speaking of McConaughery... he is probably the best thing in this film. He gives a completely over the top and unhinged performance. He was a blast to watch on many occasions. He knew what a piece of crap this was, as evident when he tried to prohibit this from being distributed in theaters, so he had some fun with the role. Robert Jacks is a disgrace to Leatherface. It isn't entirely his fault though. The rest of the cast isn't worth mentioning, aside from the Marilyn Burns cameo at the end. Blink and you'll miss it.Final Thoughts: Even the most die-hard fans of TCM will despise this film. If you're a masochist, then by all means view this movie. If you have enough beers, this MIGHT be good for a few laughs, but it would take quite a few beer DUD