Best Man Down

6.4| 1h30m| PG-13| en| More Info
Released: 20 October 2012 Released
Producted By: KODA Entertainment
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A newlywed couple cancels their honeymoon and returns to the snowy Midwest to make the funeral arrangements for their best man, who died unexpectedly after their ceremony.


Drama, Comedy

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Ted Koland

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KODA Entertainment


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Best Man Down Audience Reviews

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
Reno Rangan Originally it was known as 'Lumpy', but this new title seems much better. Even though this title name is somewhat misleading regarding the film subject. I saw it a couple of years delayed, because I was not interested after knowing the title thinking it might be some kind of a silly B comedy. Surprisingly, this was one of the best films of the 2013 I've seen. This is not a comedy alone as it was classified, but a beautiful semi-emotional drama just like the film 'The Guilt Trip'.The cast was so good, I loved everyone's performances. But in the opening, it looked like a mindless comedy with dumb characters. Only while the film progress, it slowly developed many awesome plots and I was totally impressed with it, especially for the way it ended. Yep, it concluded on a high note compared to the ordinary initiation. I think credit should go the writer-come-director, as well as the actors.It was a two layered narration that sets in two different cities where one of it was a flashback, but both of them meets during the middle. So what comes later was the best segment. The second half is what made this film a better product. This is not an extraordinary film, but for a small project and its not so popular cast, it really excelled my expectation.Well maintained suspense, and I don't think anybody could guess them out that easily. Till the final scene, it'll keep you alive, especially if you like melodrama you'll surely enjoy it better than others. Lately Justin Long has been doing some of the interesting small-scale films and this is one of them that you should try it if you're a film fanatic without barriers in viewing any category films.7.5/10
davia66 This is not a comedy, so if that is what you are looking for, watch something else. If are looking for a heart warming movie, with substance, this just might be one you will enjoy. I am tired of all the special effects, in place of dialogues. This movie is a wake up to life, and its true meaning. I really enjoyed it, as you can see with the rating I gave. I can't promise you won't shed a tear or two, but it will not let you down. One line that stuck with me (paraphrase) is, just because you have known someone for a long time, doesn't make them your best friend. Truer words were never spoken. I don't know why IMDb insists on 1000 words, or 10 lines, but everything from here on in is an echo of what I have already said.
SillyPuddy I was excited to see this after reading the glowing reviews and being a huge fan of quirky indie films with interesting characters. Unfortunately, I didn't find this to be one of those films. One uncomfortable, tedious, and unpleasant scene after another with stereotype after stereotype and absurdity, etc. The parents are totally out of touch; Shelly Long's role is insulting. In fact, most of the people in this are insulting to each other and the viewer's intelligence. The only comedy is when the director goes for cheap how clever he is. The teenage girl just wisecracks her way through the movie and is rude even to those nice to her. A couple underestimates the cost of a wedding and realizes after the fact they can't afford it or even communicate. Maybe this is all the point but I just didn't buy it.
soulsmile33 a overlooked movie that hasn't been given nearly enough credit. a gentle, low key story about the interconnection between people and the importance that we usually never know we have to someone else. you may think you know where it's going, but you don't. there are subtle twists and unexpected bits that make you "feel" and want to know more. it's not easy to confine the movie into a specific genre, but i can say that it's a soft spoken movie with significant power to remind you that even though life is often truly messed up, and people are usually not who you think they are... sometimes it's exactly the way things are supposed to be.